Thursday, September 08, 2005

[General] Why gamers make better manager/politicians/rulers

To think that many gamers are being regarded as dweebs, aloof rich guys (trust me, i got this) weirdos, geeks, the following link should show how much gamers make better leaders or to be more precise,

If the government is afraid of this... then who's the king?

Remember GURPS.


Blogger hreaper said...

Wat does that episode of FFN have to do with gamers making better leaders? I'd prefer if we just ruled the world. >:)

9/9/05 15:19  
Blogger DWolve said...

Well, if look at it deeper... You'll realise that gamers are actually segregated.. read further back the issues and you'll know what i mean.

9/9/05 17:51  

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