Friday, August 12, 2005

[Yong] View from Within

Ok. Since there's no response for the offer to use this board to chronicle events as everybody want to use their own blog, I'll be using this to post up rantings and also possible character evaluation for both Yong's and my campaign. And possibly some extra side storyline to my campaign to boot. Before we move on,

Disclaimer: The comments of player characters on this board is just a point of view only. The author will not be responsible for any abuse that may arise from this board. Character comments may/may not reflect the actual author's personal comment. Should any readers be dessatisfied from the comment posted up in this board and does the following: 1) destruction of the author's playing character 2) attempt to sabotage the author's playing character 3) attempt to bring harm to the author's playing character and authur himself in whatsoever way, would result in the following: 1) automatic failure in any saving throws 2) unlawful lawsuit 3) resurrection of bhaal, lord of murder as a playing character. However, you are invited to discuss about the author/playing character's comments over a cup of tea. Any hate-mails regarding this post will be discarded. Fanmails are welcomed.
End Disclaimer

View from within - Shin
IaiBlade - Why does this look familiar. And what's so special about his dream? Perhaps he deserve some observation

HexBlade - Another wothless goth wannabe but very easy on his pocket. Perhaps I should sell him some oriental "souveniers".

Shadow Templar - Probably mama's boy. Nobody I've met is dumb enough than him to actually follow and leave his belonging with another stranger. Heard he's got an IQ of a kobold.

Orcish Paladin - One word... Pest... I can't believe that that stupid orc tried to kill another orc in a place called "Sanctuary of Sages". Like does the FREAKIN word SANCTUARY mean anything to that fool? Sheesh.. the same can't be said to his victim. Although I did help him. At least we now know the price of a rescue...

Geisha - WTF is a geisha doing out in the open with her full garb??? A newbie perhaps???

Erien - What I hate is guys who just don't know where they stand. What I have even more is a moper who just gives up when the going gets tough. What I hate most is what this pissoff moper did.. Blaming herself over something that she keep complaining she should have done... If you have something that you should have done.. then do it. If you can't, then STOP COMPLAINING! I'll give her credit though, she actually listens my admonishing.. Damn.. I got to stop doing that.

Xvrydza - Yeah yeah!!! The god almighty who always give you quest but never show's himself. Damn I hate these people... Survival rule number one : never trust anyone who you can't see. Especially when they have the words job, quest and reward in their vocabulary. Who knows, maybe Xvrydza is just a midget kami who just can't get anything done alone. And balance??? HAH!!! He even dares to talk about balance... Why can't "gods" leave the damn elements alone and sit on their throne while doing nothing and leaving us alone.. But noo... Someone just have to bring humans into their war... I'll never trust another god/spirit/beings who I can't see after what happened.


Blogger Jad [Alt] Kaizer said...

HEHE never thought you'll mention the happy-go-lucky girl... >.< but well, she's not doing quite good either...

22/8/05 02:47  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shin comments not what he not sees but comments do what he sees.

22/8/05 10:13  

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